Sunday, March 23, 2008

How to attract women

Why there are so many guys get failed when they try to woo with the girls or even ask them for a date? What are the secrets of attracting women? If you know how to attract women then thats gonna be simple. You likewise absolutely can have women flocking over you. But remember there are lot of things requires you to attract women successfully. First thing is your personal hygiene. The absolute majority of girls are turned off by malodorous or smelly men. Listening avidly is also one of the major role of getting their attention. I believe that if you know the basic or strategies on how to attract women then you'll realize its a cinch.

Here are the strategies or my suggestions for you when you want the girls flocking around you.

Your sense of humor plays a vital component on how to attract them.. Girls preferred a man with a good sense of humor than anything else. Lucky would you be if you also have money and good looks, but above all things they choose a person with a sense of humor because girls hate boring dates or partners.

You must always Flatter them. Girls loved to be praises all the time, it seems you are easy to appreciate even simple things. Try to give compliments on what you see new things on her self. Like her hair, outfit, and other bling-blangs.

You must be sometimes look mysterious with their eyes. Because its a challenge for them to know you more if they think you look something inexplicable at first.

Your sense of listening is also one of the most important subfigure of how to attract them. When they speaks, listen them truly and avidly. Girls turn on once you follow this. They couldnt refuse a guy who will really listen and showing interest with them.

You dont show powerless, girls are looking for a strong man. If you look wussy then start to change your character then. They dont like mama's boy.

Try to be a little bit naughty, girls love a suggestion of naughtiness but beware of it not so rude at all. It doesnt condone poor behavior its a simple trick.

You try to Occupy her mind., its a simple trick that you let her believed you . They dont want to think that a guy is just after her body. Especially when its like undressing her with your eyes. Try to keep your eyes off in their curves. Just let her think you are interested with her encephalon.

And your personal hygiene plays a crucial facts here. When you really wanted a girl stays longer with you then you keep and maintan your personal hygiene. Such as cleaned teeth, trimmed nails, and use a good deodorant that could last for your hygiene. They easily turned off once they smelled different with you.

I hope this could help you on how to attract women. Girls dont have any reason of resisting for your date.


Anonymous said...

Sense of humor is the most important technique of a guy to make a girl fall for him. Even if you are not a good looking guy.

Anonymous said...

I find that listening along with a few cheeky lines lands the catch every time for me out here in Dubai. I have now picked up the tag of 'Gigalo' at work and a number of my catches have commented on my stamina. You can't beat a cheeky number and a rumble in the sun!