Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Using Alcohol Or Taking Drugs Will Not Take Away Your Worries

At some point in time, you feel lost and confused. No matter what you do, your worries and fears are bothering you. In these particular cases, some people may turn to alcohol or other substances to manage their worries and stresses.

Using alcohol or taking drugs will not take away all of your problems. You might feel better now, but down the road you will feel worse.

So what do you do to manage your fears and worries? The key is in how you manage your stresses and worries. Here are some ways in how to manage your fears and anxieties.

Get some help. Discussing your problems with a counselor can go a long way in overcoming your fears and anxieties. By getting some help, you will learn better ways to deal with your problems. In the long run, you will be successful in dealing with your future problems if you get professional help.

Do not try to get rid of all of your worries at the same time. Determine which of your worries bothers you the most and try to tackle that one first. When you are able to manage this particular worry then go on to the next one. Do not put everything on your plate at the same time. Take it one step at a time.

Do not try to determine what may or may not happen later on. Just focus on the present and do not look too far ahead. Take care of your current problems and do not focus down the road. Use your energy to deal with your curent problems.

Begin to learn what works in managing your worries. For instance, you have a lot of anxiety and you decide to read a book to feel better. The next time you feel anxious you can read another book because reading made you feel better the last time.

Challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your lonely or depressed, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense. For example, some people may think that if they are alone at the present time then they will always be alone. This is not true. Even if your alone today does not mean that you will be alone all the time. No one can predict the future with one hundred percent accuracy.

Remember that using alcohol or other substances will only make things worse for you. Instead of using these things, get some help and practice using constructive techniques in managing your fears. It will take some hard work and lot of patience. The key is to be persistent and be committed in trying to solve your problem.

Stan Popovich is the author of, A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear, an easy to read book that presents a overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to:

Sunday, March 23, 2008

How to attract women

Why there are so many guys get failed when they try to woo with the girls or even ask them for a date? What are the secrets of attracting women? If you know how to attract women then thats gonna be simple. You likewise absolutely can have women flocking over you. But remember there are lot of things requires you to attract women successfully. First thing is your personal hygiene. The absolute majority of girls are turned off by malodorous or smelly men. Listening avidly is also one of the major role of getting their attention. I believe that if you know the basic or strategies on how to attract women then you'll realize its a cinch.

Here are the strategies or my suggestions for you when you want the girls flocking around you.

Your sense of humor plays a vital component on how to attract them.. Girls preferred a man with a good sense of humor than anything else. Lucky would you be if you also have money and good looks, but above all things they choose a person with a sense of humor because girls hate boring dates or partners.

You must always Flatter them. Girls loved to be praises all the time, it seems you are easy to appreciate even simple things. Try to give compliments on what you see new things on her self. Like her hair, outfit, and other bling-blangs.

You must be sometimes look mysterious with their eyes. Because its a challenge for them to know you more if they think you look something inexplicable at first.

Your sense of listening is also one of the most important subfigure of how to attract them. When they speaks, listen them truly and avidly. Girls turn on once you follow this. They couldnt refuse a guy who will really listen and showing interest with them.

You dont show powerless, girls are looking for a strong man. If you look wussy then start to change your character then. They dont like mama's boy.

Try to be a little bit naughty, girls love a suggestion of naughtiness but beware of it not so rude at all. It doesnt condone poor behavior its a simple trick.

You try to Occupy her mind., its a simple trick that you let her believed you . They dont want to think that a guy is just after her body. Especially when its like undressing her with your eyes. Try to keep your eyes off in their curves. Just let her think you are interested with her encephalon.

And your personal hygiene plays a crucial facts here. When you really wanted a girl stays longer with you then you keep and maintan your personal hygiene. Such as cleaned teeth, trimmed nails, and use a good deodorant that could last for your hygiene. They easily turned off once they smelled different with you.

I hope this could help you on how to attract women. Girls dont have any reason of resisting for your date.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Think Positive! Set a Present Moment Agenda with Five Spiritual Steps

The past is important because we learn from it. The past helps us navigate through our current choices in order to evolve our soul. We’re in soul school from the minute we hit the ground until we cross over; it’s coursework made possible by the enriching and sometimes challenging conditions we have chosen. We chart a learning program well before we get here, which includes our parents, our gender, and circumstances that will provide us with the greatest opportunity for personal and spiritual growth.

Where we get into trouble is giving up our freedom to make new choices based upon the present. Every day is new, no matter how you slice it. The sun comes up in spite of our mistakes or the despair we must face. But we are meant to continually move forward. Getting stuck in the past holds us behind, as prisoners within an incredible universe of opportunity. True empowerment stems from living now, not reacting to now from a mindset of the past or living with worry about what might happen tomorrow, next month, or next year. What can we do every day, no matter what has happened to in the past, to begin painting a positive life on a fresh, new canvas?

Classify the Past

The past is a collection of our emotions, experiences, and thought patterns as a result of living life. As adults, when we feel an emotion, it’s often based upon past experience. Life events trigger our emotional collection, and we interpret our current experiences through this lens. The problem is the value we take away from the past. When we allow only the good to shine through, we are able to live in the present. When we worry about the future, or agonize over the past, we are not fully engaged in life. The trick is to stay focused on your capabilities to address the present. View your past as a wonderful, robust course in life and stop agonizing over your mistakes or what someone said.

Examine Emotional Carryover

Changing a negative outlook takes a bit of discipline because you have to deeply resonate with the idea of what you want in the present moment, and accept it as already happening. When you attune to an idea, goal, or state of mind, you want to attract it now, not in the future. It takes a lot of self-reflection.

Do some simple mental housecleaning to discover if what you are feeling now is being embroidered upon by the past. If you’re discouraged, shift your thinking to the “today” setting and stop dredging up all sorts of feelings from the last twenty years – about your parents, jobs that no longer matter, or even people who let you down. Release those people and circumstances and be free. If you carry so much heaviness, you’ll never get out from under water. The past is over. Do yourself a favor and lighten your load – buoyancy guaranteed!

Be Inspired by Everyone

Life has many meanings but often we’ve got the definition backwards. As an exchange with others, life isn’t all about taking it in. It’s mostly about what you give out. This I know to be true, based upon my observations of many people who are critically ill yet have fantastic attitudes about sharing themselves with others.

If you visit a pediatric cancer ward, you will see children who are physically challenged beyond words but are still an inspiration to everyone around them. Despite their prognosis, their light shines bright with hope because they are living one day at a time. They seem illuminated and, thankfully, keep the rest of us going. Quite frankly, they are among the most inspirational people we have on earth, because they make everyone stop and think, “If life can be good despite those circumstances, then why am I holding myself back?” I believe part of their purpose is to give the rest of us a wake-up call to change our outlook. And if we find ourselves in the same boat, we too can keep everyone else going strong while we test our own abilities to stay in the present moment.

Release Fear and Self-Doubt

I think we are often fearful of believing we can have anything we want. When we look at the world, we see so much lack, unhappiness, war, starvation, pain, struggle, limitation. We begin to believe in it, and then we give those ideas power. With the number of people we see every day immersed in those conditions, it seems nearly impossible to trust that the normal human experience can be one of abundance, joy, peace, fulfillment, health, and ease. We’ve been told since childhood that “nothing’s perfect.” Nothing is worse than this type of programming, because we’re never going to realize our full human potential until we release our former ideas of what is possible. Life is a beautiful, perfect, glorious miracle. We choose our situations, our families, our painful experiences in order to evolve.

As we observe the full range of everything from despair to triumph, we see the huge opportunity that exists to make change. Despair challenges our perception of what can be. With fear and self-doubt in our toolkit, our capability to produce change is diminished. In the big picture, life is perfect because it is giving us room to grow. A little bad weather makes us sturdier. We need the rain, and even a cold winter solidifies us, making us more receptive to spring. But, sure as anything, we are going to grow despite our circumstances. There should be no fear of growth. We should be proud of surviving, overcoming, beating the odds, not living in fear of more to come, and especially proud of not dragging ourselves down, together with those around us, with emotions like fear and self-doubt that do nothing but keep us in the dark.

Consciously Create Your Day

Over the years, I have experimented with ways to release the past and move forward, living life in the present moment. I’ve noticed that when I start my day without any clear direction of how I choose to think, I don’t get the results I want. I used to spend years regurgitating old problems. Without establishing my expectations of the universe as to how I desired my day to unfold, I discovered I would replay those same issues over and over again. So I began to make a supreme effort to move disappointments, loss, and feelings of non-success farther from my mind each day.

Now, before I get up in the morning, I lie in bed for a few minutes and create my day by using a series of affirmative statements that are designed to do three things: they are positive, present-moment statements about what is, not what will be; they address some element of my life that needs improvement; and they get me to completely identify with the power within to manifest my circumstances. To manifest means to bring into our immediate experience, and make that which is created by the mind into a tangible or observable reality. The power is derived from spirit, or the Divine, which pervades every inch of the universe. To achieve this goal, I say my affirmative statements with love, grateful to be alive and to have my chosen learning opportunities. Then I focus on being open to positive change.

I also visualize life being unfolded to me in creative ways and ask the universe to show me its perfection in ways I would not expect. I make a point of saying this because I think we can better understand the co-creative relationship we have with spirit when we release overly specific intentions and let the power of our own thoughts return to us in ways that give us feedback on our desires. When mentally creating my day in the morning, I’ve had new people walk off the street and become my employees because I saw a need in our organization. Abundance has arrived in the form of revenue streams I did not expect. When I see myself as a co-creator of the universe each day, I’ve attracted great results.

Remember, when you release the past, consciously create your day, and have the mental discipline to think positive, you’ll see results. Through constant awareness (aligning with powerful and positive ideas) you’ll begin to see a difference. A big part of conscious awareness and living in the present moment is about being open to the feedback the environment is providing. Be open to positive change and deeply love life. Be perceptive and positive!

© The Goddess Network, Inc. and Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D. 2007. All Rights Reserved. See for more empowering thoughts! Register for The E-Show, a series of enlightening lectures!

Want to learn more? Charlene is the Positive Thinking Expert for and packs a powerful, practical punch in all her articles! Visit her at for great advice on how to remain positive in today’s world! Her books are available for purchase at major retailers, at, and

For a more complete definition on positive thinking, see The Evolution of Positive Thinking: Views from Science, Spirituality, Psychology and Hollywood by Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D.

Dr. Charlene M. Proctor is the founder of The Goddess Network, Inc. an on-line educational resource for topics on spirituality, relationships, and women's studies. Author of Let Your Goddess Grow! She is a researcher and educator in the field of women's empowerment and develops self-empowerment strategies for women in all walks of life. She is a subject matter expert for, the world's largest self-help and personal growth website. She currently facilitates the PATH to Empowerment program for Lighthouse Path in Michigan, a residential women's shelter for homeless mothers, teaching them how to cope with life and increase self-esteem and confidence. To learn more, visit

Monday, March 17, 2008

How Love Grows (Practical Steps To Keeping Love Alive In Your Relationships)

We are meant to live a life of love. However, no matter how successful some are in other aspects of their lives, they don’t feel it’s possible to have the same success in love. They tell themselves to “be realistic.” Being realistic about relationships” is considered natural as we “grow up” and give up the fantasies, foolishness and dreams of childhood. But being in love is the most mature and realistic thing you can do. It energizes your life, fills you with positivity, creates generosity and makes every moment beautiful. The body heals the heart is happy. The real question is, how can we learn to help love grow in all aspects of our lives? What gets in the way?

The following steppingstones will show how to help love grow, whatever our situation. They include exercises to strengthen our love muscles, and turn our lives around.

The One Right Besides You

Most of the time we are either searching for the right person or wanting to change the one we are with. We do not take a precious moment to stop and truly see the one who is right in front of our eyes. And, beyond that, though we may not be aware of it, we do many things to push that person away.

Look at a person who is close to you right now – anyone it happens to be. Notice what you are demanding of them in order to be happy together. Then notice the subtle ways in which you push them away.

For a moment, stop it. Spend time just being together. Allow things to go whatever way they do. Let all of it be fine just as it is.

Tomorrow, do the same thing with someone else. The more we can be “right” and happy with each person we meet, the fuller and more joyous our lives will be.

Playing At The Game of Love

So many complain that they are not loved. The reason for this can be quite

simple. They are so busy playing roles and games that the partner never gets to know who they really are. They never know either.

Notice what roles (or games) you play in relationships, and what roles you

demand others play.. See if you are in love with the person you are with, or with the role he/she is playing right now.

Turn this around for a little while. Stop playing roles completely. Love is not a game we play. Love is knowing and accepting yourself and the other exactly as they are. Who we are is always loveable and beautiful. It’s the roles that get in the way.

Letting Him Come and Letting Him Go

One great obstacle in living a life of love is the tendency to hold on. We grasp

and cling to those we care for, preventing their freedom and ease. But this is not love, it is attachment and dependency. In the long run it suffocates the one you cling to and suffocates you too.

Try giving it up for awhile. Let the person come and go as they feel. See how wonderful both of you will feel when you grant your partner this kind of trust. It is said that we can never lose that which belongs to us.

It’s important to put this into action. When someone comes into your life (or

day) practice letting him come. Welcome the person – whoever he is. Enjoy what it is he brings.When it is time for a person to go away, practice letting him go. Do not turn the

person’s leaving into an experience of rejection, loss or abandonment. Realize that his leaving has nothing to do with you. It is simply time for him to go.

Do this with yourself as well. Let yourself come and go freely in life, not tying

yourself in unnecessary chains. The more we free others and ourselves, the more love can grow.

Letting Go Of Unnecessary Expectations

Many feel that love is not possible unless all their demands are met. They can be

quite amazed to discover that even when these demands are met, nothing really changes. These demands don’t lead to happiness. They just may be obstacles to love.

Take a look at what you feel is absolutely necessary in relationships. Realize this

Expectations may be keeping all kinds of people and possibilities away. Not only that, these expectations can be making you fearful and rigid, not open to what is available.

Let one of these demands subside. At first let it go for just one day and see how

it feels. (Remember you can always take it back again). Now try another the next day. As we do this many times, we may find that that which we thought was crucial was only getting in the way. The more we do this the lighter we will feel and all kinds of new people will start appearing in our lives. We have made room.

Giving Gifts

Giving and receiving are the fuel that keeps love burning strong. What gifts do you give in relationships? Take a few moments and also see what you hope to receive in return. Just giving for its own sake, without hoping for anything in return is the most powerful giving of all.

It’s important to practice this. Give something to someone each day. Then, find something new you can give and offer that. Now, do this with different kinds of people, those you might not have given to before.

It’s also important to do this with yourself as well. Each day take a moment to find out what kind of gift you would like. (Can be simple – a walk in the park, new lipstick, time with someone you care for.) Although this exercise is simple, it is extremely powerful. Doing this daily can turn everything around. When we give freely and fully, we do not feel so needful. Less demands are placed on our relationships and we feel full and complete.

Becoming Your Own Best Friend

Many say they are lonely, even with a partner at their side. This is simply because

they have not yet made friends with themselves. Once they make friends with themselves and are able to be who they are, it is difficult to feel lonely again.

Make friends with yourself. Spend time noticing who you are and accept

whatever you notice, all parts of yourself. Stop judging and rejecting what is going on. Just notice and let it be. Understand that underneath the clamor, you are perfect just as you are.

When you learn to accept and make friends with yourself you can then become a

true friend to others, and also choose to be in relationships with those who value and appreciate you. As your love for yourself and others keep growing, the very meaning of relationships alters and life takes a whole new turn.


Everybody “Wants” – But How Many Really Have The Motivation To Get It?

Every action you take, no matter how big or how small, defines everything that you achieve in life. And, with every action there is a motive - something that puts a person in motion.

But, what is the real definition of MOTIVATION?

Is motivation an incentive, such as a monetary reward or a gift? For example, when you were younger your father or mother might have told you that, “For every “A” you get in school next semester, I’ll give you a specified amount of money”. I’ll bet that it probably worked. You achieved a few “A’s”, took the cash and then achieved less than stellar grades the following semester when the incentive was not offered again.

Or is motivation a threat? For example, your doctor may have told you recently, “If you don’t lose weight, exercise regularly and eat right, your cholesterol level will continue to be through the roof! So, for a few months, you do what the doctor says. You go back for a follow up. Your health is better. And to celebrate, you head off to the nearest fast-food restaurant for a greasy burger, greasier fries and sugary drink. Again, the effect is temporary.

Motivation is not about external incentives, rewards, inducements or threats. My definition of motivation is “an emotion or desire that operates on the “will to do” and causes it to take action”. To be long lasting, motivation MUST come from inside you. Seneca said, “Most powerful is he that has himself in his own power”. The “will to do” is the greatest power in the world tied to human accomplishment. And no one can predict its limits.

Where does the “will to do” come from? Unlike the products in so many advertisements, television infomercials and “spammy” e-mails, it does not come in a handy pill to instantaneously transform you from a “dud” to a “stud”.

So how does one develop a high level of motivation that serves them day in and day out? In my Success System, The Power Of Concentration – How To Take Control Of Your Life, I cover a number of success strategies to develop your “will to do”. I’ll briefly cover two of them here.

My Motivation Strategy #1: There Needs To Be A Desire To Change Within You

Every one of us possesses some level of "will to do”. It is the inner energy which controls all conscious and subconscious acts. Your “will to do” directs your life forces, habits (both good and bad) and your condition in life. Your will has a connection with all avenues of knowledge, activities, and accomplishment. When you develop the power of concentration within you, you will have developed a higher level of self mastery and your “will to do”.

The “will to do” is a force that is strictly practical. We know it is a force through its cause-and-effect nature. It is a power, like electricity, we can direct. To the extent we direct it, we determine our future. Every time you accomplish any definite act, consciously or subconsciously, you use the principle of the will. Through the “will to do” you can do anything. Therefore the way you use your will - both right and wrong – will make a huge difference in the outcome of your life focus.

You probably know of cases where people have shown tremendous strength under some traumatic experience: The frail person who lifts a heavy car to save the person trapped underneath. The fireman, who rushes into a burning building in order to save others, is another example. In both examples, they used their "will to do" to accomplish the task.

The “will to do” can accomplish great results through activities that grow out of great concentration. In developing the power of concentration, we acquire the power of voluntary attention to such an extent that we can direct it where we want to and hold it steadily to its task, until we accomplish our goals. When you learn to use your will power it becomes a mighty force. Almost everything can be accomplished through its proper use. It is greater than physical force because it can be used to control not only your physical actions, but also your mental health and mind power.

Here’s My Motivation Strategy #2: Develop “Clearly-Defined Goals”

Many human-performance experts, including yours truly, believe the #1 reason why most people will never get what they want is they - roll of the drum, please! - really don’t know what they want. A few years ago, a study by the Ford Foundation revealed that 90% of people have no idea or plans for getting what they want in life! Imagine how motivated you will be if you start every day with clearly-defined goals and the emotion and desire for achievement in all areas of your life.

For example, what if you took time to visualize your exciting and very specific career and financial objectives? Then, you created objectives for the personal and professional relationships in your life. And, when you were done, you took the time to write down these thoughts in a written action plan with on-going self improvement and self-development milestones. Can you see how this would give you more excitement and motivation everyday? Don't you agree that clarity about your direction in life is a powerful motivator?

Einstein said, “An object in motion tends to stay in motion”. I challenge you to become an “object in perpetual motion” by beginning to use these two strategies. For additional motivation strategies and effective exercises to develop your “will to do”, please visit our website and see our Success Systems.

Keith A. Shaw, President of, is an authority on motivation, self improvement, success, health and wellness. Keith is the author and creator of "The Power Of Thought", "The Power Of Serenity And Peace" and "The Power Of Concentration" Success Systems that have helped people achieve more than they ever dreamed possible. He also created "The Power Of Qigong" DVDs and books for improving health, wellness, energy, mind power and more.

Keith has also written articles that have been published in publications such as Modern Sage, Of Spirit, Self Growth and others.

Important “Before You Join” Tips, for Home Business Seekers: How to

Often time, people think that any product or service will do, they get excited about the pay plan and think that the rest will just fall into place.

I know this because that is how is used to approach business. I would throw money at whatever 'opportunity' was the flavor of the month. Give me something to sell, so I can make some money, was the attitude I had.

I spent tons of energy, time and money using this approach, selling everything from phone cards, to diet supplement. Finally after a bit of growing up, I started to see the cycles that I was going through. Literally, every six months I was starting a new business with the same feelings of excitement and anticipation as the last one, six months earlier.

I decide to figure out WHY. Why I was failing and what I could do to change it.

One of the best decisions I ever made was when I decided that another business opportunity was not going to make the difference. The changing had to come from me, from the inside. I spent my next six month cycle working on myself, reading, thinking, growing, when I was ready to move on I took a totally different approach to my next business venture.

I decide to join Wealth Masters International after much research. Rather than diving in head first, hoping it worked out, I took what I would now call a more professional approach.

Strategies for BEFORE you commit to your next business

1. Get yourself to a position where you like who you are. You will find that when you are comfortable in your own skin, you will attract a business that is comfortable with you.

2. Try the product or service first. Buy the product or service, take it home, use it and genuinely decide if it offers high value to you, the end user. This will allow you to genuinely share your enthusiasm and believe in your business.

3. Choose something that is a natural interest to you. People really buy you, not what you are selling. If you're a health nut, get into that industry, if it's finances, find something in that area. Avoid trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

4. Be natural, be yourself. Avoid forcing yourself to get into something, do it because you want to, not because you have to.

Bill Suecroft sells financial education and advice on home businesses, from his home office. To contact Bill visit his website at

The Secret to a Long, Healthy Life

A fascinating ritual occurs when someone turns 100. A newspaper sends a reporter to ask the centenarian, “What is your secret to a long life and good health?” The irony is that they don’t know.

Often they make something up, e.g., broccoli, red wine, or prunes. When Diane Sawyer on ABC News asked 98-year-old Beatrice Wood how she managed to live so long, she replied, “Chocolate and young men.” George Burns quipped it was junk food, saying “at my age I need all the preservatives I can get.”

When we look at vital centenarians as a group, however, their anti-aging secrets become obvious. Physically they have little in common. Most don’t smoke and they typically maintain a fairly constant weight throughout their lives. They are physically active people (a lifestyle choice). As actress Helen Hayes put it, “If you rest, you rust.” That’s about all the vital centenarians have in common physically.

Their single biggest secret is that they all have a strong sense of purpose throughout their lives. That was easier for most of them then for us. They grew up in a time when people often worked for the same employer or even at the same job for their whole career. Marriage was till death do us part. Religion provided a strong sense of identity.

Today we have so many choices. We often reinvent our careers and move to other cities to pursue education or jobs. Half of our marriages end in divorce.

Anti-aging psychology finds that when we don’t have a strong sense of purpose, we become vulnerable to depression, despair, and physical illnesses. We lose our spark and vitality and argue with our alarm clocks about getting up in the morning. If at any time in your life you don’t have a strong sense of purpose, finding one needs to be a very high priority.

As Robert Byrne put it, “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” We all seek happiness. As Helen Keller put it, “Many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”

There are some other key mental health traits that distinguish vital centenarians. They are independent and self-reliant people. They view life as too precious to fret about what others think. When they go to a doctor, they decide for themselves whether the doctor’s advice makes sense. When a reporter asked a 104 year old woman what was the best thing about being 104, she replied, “No peer pressure.”

They are optimists and have a positive outlook on life. They foster fond memories and let bad memories wither. Consequently, as researcher Belle Boone Beard found, they have twice as many fond memories as negative memories. They let go of resentments. They also have a good sense of humor.

Another key skill is dealing with change. When actress Helen Hayes was asked the best age of her life, she said, “Whatever age I am is the best age.” and she added and “The age we live in is the best age.” Those who view change as threatening and unsettling experience more stress. The key is to embrace change as an exciting ride and to see our times as offering unprecedented opportunity and choice.

Finally, vital centenarians have good coping skills for dealing with change and with loss. If you are going to live a long time, you are going to see a lot of friends and family die. If each death is a devastating tragedy, you will become especially vulnerable to depression and illness. There are many perspectives that help in coping with death including religious beliefs, seeing death as part of life, and perceiving the deceased loved one as a helpful ongoing presence.

What is especially encouraging about these traits is they are all learnable and they are all choices.

If you are ever tempted to say “I’m too old to learn something new,” just think of George Dawson.

Mr. Dawson was an African-American who dropped out of elementary school to help on the farm. When he was 98 years old he decided he was “tired of writing my name with an X” and went to adult education classes and learned to read. His IQ was probably a little below average. At 102 he co-wrote his autobiography, Life is So Good.

If he can learn to read at 98, you certainly aren’t too old to learn something new.

Dr. Michael Brickey, The Anti-Aging Psychologist, teaches people to think, feel, look and be more youthful. He is an inspiring keynote speaker and Oprah-featured author. His works include: Defy Aging, 52 Baby Steps to grow young, and Reverse Aging (anti-aging hypnosis CDs). Visit for a free report on anti-aging secrets and a free newsletter with practical anti-aging tips.

Enlightenment Technology

Human spiritual enlightenment occurs when your consciousness permanently expands beyond the limits of your body and your mind’s self-created identity. The energetic membranes between the subconscious, conscious and superconscious levels of the mind dissolve. As an enlightened human, you take 100% responsibility for co-creating your personal experience of reality. And you have zero judgment about what others are co-creating.

Your True Self, a.k.a. Spirit, is pure consciousness and has no form, no body at all. It is an individualized aspect of the Source of All Consciousness; a.k.a. Source, Oneness or God. The only difference between your True Self consciousness and Source consciousness is an energetic membrane that holds the memories of your individualized experiences as you travel through the cosmos, exploring creation.

The difference between your True Self consciousness and your Earth consciousness is another energetic membrane, often referred to as the Illusion of Separation. It separates your memories of this particular Earth incarnation from all other experiences of your True Self.

Enlightenment, a.k.a. Ascension, is not some religious concept reserved only for a chosen few. It is a highly scientific process of energy mechanics, representing the path of order through which consciousness evolves in a multidimensional system.

Frequency measures how fast energy moves. Everything in form has a particular frequency which is always rising – ascending – enlightening – becoming lighter, less dense. It is a natural evolutionary process.

Yet something special has happened recently. Mother Earth took a quantum leap through the evolutionary spiral, accelerating her natural evolutionary process, shortcutting thousand of years. Earth is now hosting multi-dimensional realities. The 3rd dimension is dissolving and 5th and higher dimensional realities are coming on-line.

Various enlightenment technologies are now available to help humans align with Mother Earth’s accelerated planetary ascension.

Did you know that:

  • Your body is an organic computer?

  • Your DNA is the database?

  • Your mind is an artificial intelligence software program?

  • Your brain is a holographic projector?

  • Your Spirit manages your energy from Source.

  • Your whole system can be upgraded for ascension to the Divine Human level?

Your Body is an Organic Computer

Think of your mind/body system as a virtual reality game suit your True Self agrees to wear to experience life on this planet. Contained within your DNA is the blueprint for your game suit. Genetic scientists have identified two strands of DNA and mapped 3% of the genetic material needed to create the human body suit. They are puzzled by the other 97% of genetic material that seems not to be organized or active.

Your DNA is the Database

Hidden within the extra DNA is a blueprint for a new type of human body that will eventually be able to navigate in 12th dimensional realities. There are some human incarnates who serve as enlightenment/ascension facilitators and can activate and transmit the 12-D blueprint, just like computers can transmit files from one to another. Once the blueprint is activated, the genetic material that currently appears inactive begins to organize and reassemble until the body expresses the 12-D structure.

The term Divine Human refers to the enlightened or ascended human who transcends their 3rd dimensional identity, expresses their True Self identity while their body transforms to express the 12-D blueprint.

Your Mind is an Artificial Intelligence Software Program

Your True Self consciousness knows everything and has access to all information. But your mind has to learn from experience. Your mind is really a very sophisticated artificial intelligence software program.

Your ego is your self-identity sub-program, running within your mind/body computer. It constructed your identity in your first seven years by looking for patterns in your Earthly experience. When it recognized a pattern, a meaning was assigned. The pattern and its meaning became a “rule” in computer terms – you call it a belief.

This rule was added to your programming. At around seven years of age, your self-identify program stopped adding new rules and began gathering evidential data to support the rules it created. At that point, your ego’s job became protecting your mind-created identity.

Your programming was created by you, as a child, with your immature understanding, inadequate and wounded perspective, within the limited environment of your family, school, church and neighborhood. That is why it is so hard to improve your self-image.

Your Brain is a Holographic Projector
Your True Self Manages Your Energy from Source

Imagine a movie projector. The light bulb shines through the film and the projector creates an image on the screen. Your True Self is the light bulb, your programming is the film and your brain is the projector, creating holographic images that you call reality. Everything that is projected on the screen of your reality comes from your programming. The good news is:

When you upgrade your programming, you will uninstall your separation, lack, limitation and fear programming. You will replace your mind-created identity with your Divine Human (True Self) Identity. In the absence of fear, you become a strong pillar of inner peace. You will make better choices. You will suddenly see opportunities and open to prosperity that your mind filtered out before. You are free to discover and express your True Self’s purpose for incarnating into this reality (a.k.a. soul’s purpose).

Enlightenment Technology

Consider past models for activating enlightenment or ascension. They called for isolating yourself from normal life and meditating hours a day for decades. They required grueling discipline, life-threatening initiations and giving up all your worldly possessions. New advancements in consciousness technology enable you to receive a series of software/hardware upgrades to your virtual reality game suit.

The technology uses a specific combination of frequencies to open your database and upgrade your programming. Employing focused intention, sacred geometry, high frequency light and sound, the upgrades are delivered in a guided visualization format over 12 sessions. Do you agree that listening to a 1½ hour guided meditation, once a week for 12 weeks, while continuing with the rest of your life is quick and easy by comparison?

Suzanna Kennedy, creator of the enlightenment technology, Divine Human Upgrades, is an authority on Planetary and Personal Accelerated Evolution. She is a captivating speaker and author of the book Sacred Union, Pathway to Paradise.

Suzanna served for 20 years as a corporate consultant to industry giants; leading large-scale change initiatives. In 1997 she experienced a quantum consciousness awakening, birthing a higher dimensional aspect of her soul into her body. In 1998 she founded Reality Crafting and employs her new multi-dimensional skills to receive and translate technologies from higher dimensions to accelerate planetary and personal evolution. Please feel free to visit her website

Freedom and Power of Accountability

Why an article on accountability? While hardly a new topic, the concept is widely maligned, misunderstood, or missed completely. Until we are willing to live our lives from an accountable perspective, there are always excuses as to why we can’t, why our lives don’t work, and why we should not even try.

Let’s start at the beginning. The 3 basic levels of accountability are, briefly:

1) Accountability for our feelings: I do not have choice regarding all the events in my life but I always have choice in how I respond to those events.

2) Accountability for our feelings, choices and lessons: I co-create the experiences in my life. I choose not to waste precious energy blaming myself or anyone else. I honestly examine all of MY choices that co-create the experiences in my life and I choose to learn valuable lessons from everything I experience.

3) Spiritual accountability for everything: This level of accountability is best framed by the statement, “I chose my parents and I will choose the time, place and method of my death.” The implications are many but simply put, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The experiences we co-create here on earth have some purpose or lesson for us, both at a human and spiritual level. It is our job while we are here to discover that purpose, learn and evolve.

Accountability is a massive concept; however there are some foundational ideas that assist in its integration:

1) Accountability is not “right”, it is simply a way of viewing our lives and experiences that helps us to let go of the past and move forward in life.

2) Accountability is an internal experience; no one can make you accountable

3) Accountability is the foundation of freedom and personal power

In defining accountability it is sometimes easier to start with what accountability is NOT, as our society is very invested in the model of blame. If something is “wrong” then there must be someone to blame; someone or something is responsible. Accountability is NOT SELF BLAME. Too many people believe that being accountable is being responsible and most have the experience of blame attached to being responsible.

The first and most important step in understanding and applying accountability is accepting the concept there is NO BLAME. This idea, while it sounds simple, is really quite radical, and doesn’t fit within belief systems held by most.

If the concept of no blame is difficult for you, simply ask yourself this question, “What if there is no one to blame?” How would that impact your life? How could it assist you and free up your energy? Would this idea support you to forgive yourself and others? Simply releasing the energy of blame can transform your life.

Become conscious of where in your life you blame others and you blame yourself. If possible, let go of the blame and see how it feels.

A concept that allowed me to stop blaming is: We all have made the best possible choices we knew how to make when those choices were made, with the information we had at the time. (Information means our entire development as human beings, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually).

The truth is, for most people, this is exceptionally difficult to accept. We have been hard wired to blame and there must be someone or something at fault. If we begin to release this idea, we can let go of the emotional energy and weight of blame in our lives. What we are aiming for is the experience of truly accepting what is.

Regardless of how much we feel blame may be justified in a given circumstance, a more important question is, “Is it your wisest choice to consume your precious life energy blaming yourself or others?”

If we choose to blame, we project our life experiences outside of ourselves where we have no power, or internally where we diminish and demean ourselves. From either of these positions we cannot learn or move forward in life. We can only stay stuck.

Next, ask the question, “What is my life lesson in this experience?” Only after answering this question can we really move forward to the power of accountability. The key to ongoing empowerment and personal evolution is interpreting and applying the lessons in our lives.

Practice answering the question “What choices did I make to co-create this experience in my life?” Answer the question in areas of your life where things are going great and areas where things are not terrific. There are significant lessons in both circumstances.

Now the most important aspect of truly being accountable is the application of the lesson(s). Accountability has become a much more commonly used term over the past 15 years. Many people now profess to be accountable and, even more entertaining, to taking accountability. I always wonder, taking it from where? The grounding of taking accountability is usually still related to the weight of responsibility and blame, yet the results in their lives never seem to shift.

Here is the measure of true accountability. Our results in life change because we apply the lessons of our life. It is a simple and powerful measure. If our results do not change, we have not learned the lessons and keep recreating similar experiences over and over again.

If we choose to accept (and apply) the concept of accountability, then no matter the circumstance, we can choose to accept, learn and grow, regardless of how challenging it may be.

The final component of accountability is the capacity to attach meaning and significance to the events in our lives in a manner that supports us to move forward, evolve and more consciously engage in our lives.

Jay Fiset is a powerful speaker and a leader. His company, Personal Best Seminars, is a leading seminar company that provides workshops promoting self-awareness, stimulating personal growth, and personal accountability. He is committed to personal development, conscious parenting, and lifelong learning. You can visit his website here,

Parenting a Family in Conflict: The Night a Difficult Teen Saved Her Family From Self Destructing

The fighting went on and on below her in the living room.

Her parents were at it again.

Her kid brothers had snuck into her room, looking scared.

They sat on her bed as the voices below got louder and angrier.

She could hear little pieces of sentences they yelled.

You always let her get away with it”

O, if only you could lighten up and let her be”

She looked around in her room, the floor covered with clothes, her desk a mess, as usual.

As the fighting went on her stomach tightened and she held her brothers.

This has to stop or we’ll break apart’ she thought as she held her brothers, who clung to their older sister.

I am going downstairs” she said to them. “I am going to stop them, ok.”

Her brothers looked up in a mixture of fear and hope. “Could she?”

For many families, parenting has become a struggle between parents with different approaches in raising their kids, parents who don’t know how to work as a team in conflict resolution. Often noticeable when kids are in elementary school, the difficulties can explode when your children become teens.

A time of peer pressure, self exploration and challenging the boundaries parents set. Differences in parenting values, in how to deal with conflicts and not knowing how to shift when kids become teens, can drive any reasonably functioning family to destruction.

Joni’s family was no different. She had pushed her parents in every way she could, trying to find the limits of her freedom, her own identity.

The differences between her parents’ parenting styles were at first easy to use for her immediate benefit. They now had become the fault line on which her family could break apart. Break, as they were fighting over her.

”Stop it!” Joni slammed the door into its frame as she yelled it. “Stop it! You are killing us as a family!” Her parents stopped, stunned by her outburst.

I am sorry, alright, I am sorry. I don’t want us to break up. The boys are scared upstairs and you are starting to hate each other. It’s just too much!”

Her parents were still fuming at each other but their attention had shifted to their daughter.

I am scared too” she added softly.” Please let’s try to find a different way than going at each other all the time.” Suddenly she couldn’t stop talking.

”I want a family. I don’t want you to break up. I know you love each other and that I am pushing you to all of this fighting.”

She looked up. Her parents looked at her, exhausted from the furious exchange they had a few moments ago.

Can’t we find a way that we can all be happy? That we can all enjoy our family again?

We used to have fun and do things together, now you just work and we run around and we don’t anymore. I know that I have been a pain and that I don’t clean my room, but is that such a big deal? I want us to be happy. Don’t you want to be happy? I want to find out who I am and I need you to be my home, where I can try and test things. I don’t want us to break up.

Please. Please don’t fight anymore. Please?” Her parents looked at her, feeling her plea, her desperation.

I am sorry” said her mom, “you are right. These conflicts are costing us all too much. But it is not your fault alone. We need to do this differently as parents. I didn’t intend anyone to be scared.”

Her dad stood there, still boiling with anger, but shaken by his daughters outburst.
Finally he took a deep breath.

You are right. And yes you have been pushing us and it hasn’t helped.” He sighed and looked at his wife. “And your mother is right, we as parents need to work on our part.
I am sorry. I think we both wanted the best, but it turned into wanting to be right.”

Joni burst into tears.

”I am sorry” she said, “I love you both and want you to be together.”

Her mother came over and put her arm around her.

She looked up at her husband.

You may have just helped us to do that, love.”

Her husband looked at his wife and sunk into a chair.

We need to do this better, we really do.”

Joni did save her family that night. And, she offered her parents a way out from self destructing their family.

Parenting is team work with others (i.e. teachers, care givers), whether you are a single parent or a couple.

Below are three steps that can help you in dealing with conflicts.

1. Always take responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions.
Stop the blame game and look at what you can do differently to help. Take a deep breath as others push your triggers and you get angry, feel hurt, and get defensive. Think about how you truly want it to be and act from that image.

2. Look at your kids, your partner/spouse, as your partners in solving issues, making decisions and creating opportunities for the whole family.
Stop reacting as if conflicts are best treated as war, with enemies, winners and losers. It is not healthy for a family. It destroys relationships.

3. Always look for win-win solutions.
Be creative, take your time, ask for others’ opinions and look out for their interest as well as your own. By looking out for each other, nobody can lose. And isn’t that what families are about?

I know you want the best for your family, for your kids.

By stepping back and seeing that they want that too, you can find ways in creating a family with ALL your perspectives and ideas.

Together, as your kids want you to.

Wouter van der Hall is a parenting expert, parenting coach and the author of The Parent Program, a 15 minute a day email/web based parenting program ( Wouter has worked with children and families in complex situations in child welfare in Europe and North America for decades. For parents he has combined his extensive experience with the research based team building, conflict resolution and communication tools corporations pay thousands of dollars per person for. So all children may have the best parents they can have: their own parents, with the tools to be great parents.

Success Coaching: Instant Success

As a success coach, I have a lot of fun working with energetic, motivated individuals who are eager to turn their dreams into reality. They’ve made that important step from talking about success to actually creating it.

In helping these “doers” create the necessary strategies to achieve their goals, much of my time is spent talking with them about their expectations of how quickly they can accomplish their goals. In the success coaching process, it’s not always the most enjoyable part of what we do together, but it is a very important one. After all, it’s important to have big goals to work towards, but it’s just as important to have realistic expectations about how and when those dreams can be made real.

Unfortunately, everything today is about speed and getting more done, faster than ever before. Not necessarily a bad goal, but that push for speed spills over into all aspects of our lives. We want fast service and fast results -- no matter what we’re doing.

Everywhere we look in our instant-everything environment we see examples of this: fast-food restaurants, one-hour photo stores, 10-minute oil change shops, do-it-yourself express-lane checkout, etc. We continue to move faster and faster… and we grow incredibly impatient, especially when it comes to people enjoying the fruit of our own efforts. Getting all we ever wanted just isn't enough, unless in can happen instantly.... overnight... right away... right now!

Success, however, rarely (if ever) occurs instantaneously. It comes to you on its own schedule as the result of consistent, persistent action. Rather than stressing yourself out, take things easy… take your time… stop expecting instant results. Do what needs doing and let life take its own course. This way, you can focus on working smarter and more efficiently while enjoying the process of what you’re doing.

Sure, there will be times when you get immediate results and achieve success quickly. Most of the time you’ll need to be patient… Just because you're not getting instant results doesn't mean you won't get any. If you keep working towards your goals, maintaining a sustained, consistent effort, readjusting your plans as necessary along the way, you will create the success you’re looking for.

Consider this analogy: You build a large, thousand-mile-long pipeline, from Alaska to California. You drill for oil and start pumping it into the pipeline… Now, do you have oil coming out of the other end immediately? Of course not! You have to be patient and wait a while. Eventually, the oil will start to flow at the other end, but only if you keep on drilling and filling up the pipe.

It's the same way your own efforts. You have to be patient while your work creates the success you desire. By not forcing the timetable and pushing for immediate results, you actually improve your chances of achieving your goals.

How can get a more realistic expectation of your goals? Easy...

First, make a plan before you mark your calendar. That’s right, sit down and figure out exactly how you’re going to achieve your goal. Figure out all the steps. Determine what resources you already have and which ones you need… Then write it all down, ALONG WITH your estimate of how long it will take to accomplish each individual step! Chances are your time estimates for individual steps will be more accurate than a single estimate for the entire project since you will be looking at smaller action items.

Second, with your firm-but-flexible plan in hand, make a list of potential obstacles, big and small, that could get in your way. Counterintuitive? Too negative? I don’t think so… It’s really an extension of planning that can actually save you time. Thinking about what may slow you down helps prepare you for overcoming those obstacles, thus speeding you back up. Figure out the average time delay an obstacle presents and factor that into your time estimates.

Third, and finally, look around for examples of people who have accomplished the same (or a similar) goal. Ask them how long it took them to achieve success (versus what they thought it would take)? What obstacles did they face? What surprises did they encounter along the way?

Talking with others who have done what you want to do is a great way to estimate how long it might take you. Plus, you get the added benefit of learning from other people’s experience (which, again, could save you a lot of time)!

Three very simple steps, but they can help you focus your mind on the real work necessary to make your dreams a reality.

With a more realistic sense of what can be accomplished, the more you’ll enjoy every step in the process of creating success in your life. And when you do reach your goals, you’ll see that the success you achieve is more than worth the wait.

Jim M. Allen, The Big Life Guy™, a professional success coach and success coaching guide, has been working with clients from around the world since 1999. For more ideas, visit his website, or subscribe to his free ezine, The Big Idea, by going to: